Thursday, April 26, 2007

The World Is Seriously against me...

NOW... Good news for all people who are against me, I failed my Geography! I did study for it, although not that thoroughly. So? Why should I fail then? 不是说一份耕耘,一份收获吗?那俺怎么会不及格呢?This proves that the above saying is wrong and thus, we should always believe in efficiency and not this "practice makes perfect" superstition. Another reason was probably the world was turning against me. In the first place, it isn't my fault that I actually failed. However, some, or even many, who didn't study got so much higher! This totally proves the unfairness that is present in the world. The unfair treatment of everyone. OK,OK stopping, now I feel like taking back my words, because Science was not tested yet. Those who are reading this, it doesn't matter if you laugh at me, the only thing I want to say is, superstition, are mostly forever superstition.

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