Wednesday, April 18, 2007

English is so bloody stupid!

Today was my English test. Guess what? OK, this is what happened anyway. It was just a mere comprehension. Unfortunately, it went like this, "(description of people), they both helped me in(description of activities)" The question is: What activities does the 'both' refer to? Before you actually read the question, you will be thinking that the both refers to the people. Why? Because if they say it is activities, it is usually phrased like this, "(description of people), they helped me in both(description of activities)". They should have made it clearer! I did read the question properly! It was this lousy phrasing by the teachers that made me make this mistake! Fortunately, I wasn't the only one. Perhaps they will check the phrasing and make it upon 38... If that's the case, then I shall rejoice, if not, then... er... I don't know. Dropping by one grade is bad enough. Life is indeed unfair...

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