Monday, April 30, 2007

There is trouble just to get lunch...

OK, maybe I am going a bit far but well, might as well post this... First about Coronation Plaza, you call that a public café? Please! No vacant seats! By who? Certain people of course... King Albert Park, bloody long queue, bloody number of people! When the hell can Singapore realise that it is actually suffering from overpopulation! Everything is so inefficient!

Friday, April 27, 2007

I feel insulted...

I can't believe we actually got NYGH EL GE Sec 2 notes! This is insulting! Especially to those who are so pervertic! Well, at least there is only 1...

Note to Bernard (Of course, censored): あなたはアジエスが好きですか?About 20 came to our school today, it's a pity if you didn' see them...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The World Is Seriously against me...

NOW... Good news for all people who are against me, I failed my Geography! I did study for it, although not that thoroughly. So? Why should I fail then? 不是说一份耕耘,一份收获吗?那俺怎么会不及格呢?This proves that the above saying is wrong and thus, we should always believe in efficiency and not this "practice makes perfect" superstition. Another reason was probably the world was turning against me. In the first place, it isn't my fault that I actually failed. However, some, or even many, who didn't study got so much higher! This totally proves the unfairness that is present in the world. The unfair treatment of everyone. OK,OK stopping, now I feel like taking back my words, because Science was not tested yet. Those who are reading this, it doesn't matter if you laugh at me, the only thing I want to say is, superstition, are mostly forever superstition.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Set Game seems easy but hard...

Today was the Set Game competition, KC and I got 3rd. We were so good at first, until we met this team, which is no better than us. It was so pathetic... The challenge was tied by 36 vs. 36. Then came the sudden death... Find as many sets in 1 min... This is stupid... I shouldn't have let the judge put more cards as it ended by a 15 vs. 12. If I could just make it till time's up, we would have gotten into the finals. Well, who cares anyway? As long as we got into top 3 we already got 5 ACE. That's why we went anyway. At least we were the only Sec. 1s to make it into the Semi-Finals...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

English is so bloody stupid!

Today was my English test. Guess what? OK, this is what happened anyway. It was just a mere comprehension. Unfortunately, it went like this, "(description of people), they both helped me in(description of activities)" The question is: What activities does the 'both' refer to? Before you actually read the question, you will be thinking that the both refers to the people. Why? Because if they say it is activities, it is usually phrased like this, "(description of people), they helped me in both(description of activities)". They should have made it clearer! I did read the question properly! It was this lousy phrasing by the teachers that made me make this mistake! Fortunately, I wasn't the only one. Perhaps they will check the phrasing and make it upon 38... If that's the case, then I shall rejoice, if not, then... er... I don't know. Dropping by one grade is bad enough. Life is indeed unfair...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Finally, this is a day without homework...

No homework! First day in history! Finally I can sleep! Yawn... Forget it, maybe I should tell you something else. Today at the computer lab, there were three people watching porn... One of them were hogging up my computer. They are totally abusing the computers! Hope that the school will know... Unfortunately, I think they won't as they were most likely using the school account.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Some "flirtish" guy

Maybe I am a little out-dated. Anyway, today I made another conclusion. Why does the HCI boys got such good relationships with SCGS? Some schools with the sky blue sleeveless uniform. Strange though... Well, maybe it's invading others' privacy but seriously, it helps me get this conclusion. At the comp lab today. There's this guy who claims that he is zero_boy_yk left his thumb drive there. Well, we do slack once in a while you know! So invasion! WQ and I viewed the files inside. So bloody flirt! So many pictures of girls! The chats saved were only with girls! This is so erm... Well, has 1G nothing better to do? Wait, forgot to add in, those girls were from SCGS... So? One guy only what? Why do you say so? Well, I did continue my normal life until I saw this guy, with two SCGS girls. Gosh! Maybe ProEd gone a little too far... Exchange programme 总是说得很好听, foster friendship, I bet it's "friendship". Inviting them to our school and creating convenience for the rest. That's why ProEd is so pro. Pro, pro, pro, prostitute... A bunch of busy-bodies...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Class party... Time needs re-management...

Class parties don't come so often this days you know... That's why I always cherish this kind of things... Luckily Yingho didn't go today, he will ruin it by his childishness. Now I seriously regret that I didn't buy Risk the other time, but I think I will get bored of it in two weeks time though. See? Future sight... Some rare pressure I possess. Oh yeah, to those interested in parties, I will be having one in June, in case I would be busy in July. Anyway, why am I typing now when the title is time re-management? OK... Er... I have LSS, Geog to study, EL script to memorise, Algebra... No more...

Friday, April 13, 2007

No band today!

Since the SYF is over (FYI, I didn't went for SYF), there is no band today, giving me time to sleep/study due to the class party tomorrow. Anyway, that's not the main point... Yesterday, 1L hacked into Krisonification's account. Kill Tiet Ho for telling him. If not those who tried IVLE could have changed everyone's ACE to 15, OP to 4 each term. They could even have changed the password. Alas, somebody like me who is so honest won't do such a thing. More shocking news today. Krisonification plays Maple and Audition! OMG! Wonder if he is stronger than Jia Hui? Leafy and Bee also play Maple! This is ridiculous! No wonder Krisonification doesn't give much homework! Forget it...

Note to Chan Wei: The Bee ONCE played Maple.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rafflesian are mostly losers...

Hi! Long time since I posted an anti-rafflesian post. This one is to remind all 华中子弟 that RI is still an enemy. Well, this one is just gonna be about losers. This is really one hard conclusion, but first, let's define loser. A loser is someone who loses, and then 不择手段, uses false facts to win. This basically fits the description of all those from Xingnan who went to RI/RGS. Aren't they losers? First and foremost, as everyone knows (don't want to point out names so let's call him 'A'), A only knows how to win, doesn't admit defeat although he is on the losing side at many times. Loser right? Now for B, some guy who got bashed up by me after the Math SA1 last year. Who thinks he is always right... And was so arrogant indeed... Like the last one, doesn't admit defeat... This is the most stupid part of 'him' is that he calls kettles black! And now for C, who is an imposter. That's what he is when he loses. False facts! Another Loser... Now the last one went to RGS. Who thinks she is so great, that no one can win except for her. Yeah... As if... Today I met her again. And so the recent class party subject popped up. Of course! Some one which is so unpopular in Xingnan. Has this lousy “王牌” as a back up. Guess what! It's not even better than a Jack! And without any efforts. I won! Another loser, who prepares false facts for back up. Now I would like to say that the conclusion was made after so many experiences that there is no way I could be wrong unless they change totally, which is impossible. The only guy having steady back up is those who have foresight, which is me... No one can deny that... Even if you can, make sure you got a strong back up!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Thank God Arithmetic Is Going Away

Like Ray said, Math has turned into something knowledge based, something you can revise on. OMG! This is bad news. My greatest strength has turned into something that can be revised on? Since when has the language subjects became something that you can do revision? The world is unfair, I know. Luckily, the time has came. Arithmetic is finally going away. Being replaced by Algebra. The unknown. No wonder Linchuan's Gmail Name is The unknown. He is such an algebra freak. Wait... What other great stuff are there? Nothing! Nothing at all. Again, I would like to say, "PLEASE REMOVE ARITHMETIC FROM OUR SEC 1 SYLLABUS! IT'S P1 WORK!" Now, I have nothing else to say. BB...