Saturday, June 13, 2009

Comments about H2O

One of the best anime made from a visual novel I would say, comparing to those which I watched like SHUFFLE!, Prism Ark, and CLANNAD I think. First thing is because the protagonist is NORMAL, unlike Rin who had no balls and Hayate who was kiddish. CLANNAD was too peaceful. I liked the setting in H₂O, and the fued between Hayami and the village, which intensified after the younger generation began to accept her. Everything simply went wrong the moment they turned right, and it was nice to see the characters struggling through everyday of their lives. Last part was rather similar to SHUFFLE! I think, the protagonist had to accept reality. I felt lucky that it wasn't sadistic. Sadism might result in more emo-ness, considering that most who watch anime are already the emo people, give them one sad anime and they go commit suicide. Now I am still stuck on what to watch, but maybe find something to refresh myself a bit before finishing AIR.

Very short post, but I didn't want to be a spoiler because the story was really nice to me. The OP and ED suited the setting. On par with Code Geass.