Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tomorrow is a holiday!

Thanks to the seniors, tomorrow's a holiday. Basically I find it meaningless for us as we didn't work hard anyway, but most probably it's to let the teachers have some rest. It just seems like another labour day, when people are recognised for their hard work and thus allowed to have some rest. I do agree that the lower sec are just a bunch of slackers, mostly anyway. There are people who need this day of rest. I also feel that maybe the school holidays aren't so good. We should have some more days and holidays in each term. Maybe Sat, Sun and Wed so that we won't feel so stressed on weekdays and not so bored during the holidays. I've been slacking recently, not doing IH homework, which I think is useless, especialy in Singapore context. However, this causes a sense of emptiness inside me. Like when your life is too good, you feel that you should have accomplished something, although you can slack if you want.

To think of it in such a way, we may not achieve such good grades a few years later when it comes to the 94 batch. It's like we aren't all-rounded people but we win competitions because of our talents in specific areas. I just simply feel that we can't be concentrating on so many things in life as we can do much better if we just concentrated on just one things. However, the general public always think differently and that's why it's more difficult for any friendship to start for me. Basically, I just think that it's rather dull to be the same as others, even if it means that I am not good, I would still be unique.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I just came back from band camp, and I slept well, so I am rather energetic right now. We were totally pwned by TK. They have so many complicated formations, and they danced when they marched. I seriously feel that our band lack some creativity, it's like we are following everything we were told to do, without any suggestions or flexibility. However, what we have now is probably enough.

It's rather sad that I received some pathetic results when I came back. LEP pulled me to 2.75, or I would have gotten 3. The results are at their extreme ends this time, so the average is somewhere in the middle. The teachers are also to blame as the normal school work somehow had a heavier weightage and some of the marking schemes changed. I would like to say that I am feeling tired of having so many commitments and feel like slacking like the others. However, all of them are meaningful and I don't see the point of quitting, which means I am still being challenged. At this rate, I should be going to a non-CSE class. It doesn't matter anyway, I am already having some doubts about that as quite a number of the seniors have quitted. But not quitting means IH for 2 more years and it's still hell!

The link between sentences is very poor. Bear with it.