Sunday, September 30, 2007

I am still not mugging...

Most A+ Secondary Students' lives are all about mugging. I wonder why, as long as you graduate from Primary School you are already able to work. However, people has better dreams. You see, now that we are Sec 1, I have absolutely no idea why are we still learning English. We learn how to write expositions, letters and other crap. Like why must we learn that? It's total shit and a bloody waste of time. We should be spending more time on stuff like Math and Science, or History and Geography. In case people didn't realise, it's the 21th century. So, if we still spend so much time on stuff like language, then we won't be able to find a way to solve the problem of having limited resources. It's for survival people! Like you may be reading this blog now (although hardly anyone comes here), and twenty years later you won't. Electricity bills would be so high that you can't even on the radio to hear something. You see? However, this seems like giving up, which is so so not my style. Probably I will be able to mug next week, having finished my anime. Oh well, now I have no time to spend on languages. So looks like my future is predestined. Oh well, hopefully my results will improve in the next few years.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Such things happened so quickly...

Just in one month's time, so many things happened so quickly. Of course, the class is scolded by that maniac (or psychopath or whatever you want her to be, got more mental problems than me 就对了) for quite a lot of times. First it's for the class security, then so many MoJoJoJo's bullying incidents, then got lights and fans and now for discrimination. Obviously, the class e-group system has been a place for comments now. There were so many emails that say they hate Student A. To me, Student A does not belong to HCISec1M, where as KFC does. So if KFC wants to be Student A, then he shall not be part of the class. Some say that he deserved a second chance, others will never forgive him. As for me, I will see what happens to me next. Since it's Singapore, there is something called freedom of speech. However, I don't feel so. In school, there is this guy called the DM, who sets his own rules of course. So never talk back against a teacher with the wrong tone. You know teachers very 爱面子, so if they make a mistake they feel very shameful. Now, when half the class was already forming this group called the anti-Student A thing. Exaggerating a bit :) But anyway, call it ASA for now. So obviously one by one, we got counselled by the maniac, well, she thinks she and Student A is correct. We can't abuse statistics here so I can't say majority win. However, if you were to be put under such a frustrating situation, you would have felt the same way. By the way, we didn't even want to go for the Ispark Nite auditions, but the maniac forced us to, so got no choice and had to perform something. Then now, she say we should have appealed for a withdrawal. How smart, so she's gonna deny that she was the one who made us go in the first place? I believe right after the Ispark Nite auditions the first one to go and find her was Student A, who knows how to act good in front of a teacher. Would you like to be Student A? You know why such things like suicide happen? Because there is such people like Student A and the maniac. Student A is just freakishly good in front of the biased teachers, and abuses this power. Death to Napoleon! DIE! You SOAB! Napoleon abuses his power given to him by Old Major, and so does Student A. You see? When Student A is being accused of stealing, the "Old Major" (feel like saying 老母猪) asked for solid evidence. Finally, when someone had solid evidence, the whatever goes, "Now you are mentioning his weakness..." WTF! You blardy arsehole supporter of Student A! Incase you didn't notice, no one comes to this place, so it doesn't matter. Can scold F-word with no restrictions. Just make sure they aren't directed to me. See? Totally biased! If I had known, and had stopped MY from approaching her and had told him to go directly to the DM, things would have been different. DM, is a merciless guy, didn't you see the Sec 3 who got busted and was almost expelled or was expelled already? Now, I will be getting counselled on Monday. Bloody shit! No! I shall prepare for it! Class spirit! Overthrow form teacher! Bloody idiot! Overthrow Student A! Overthrow the pigs! Death to both of them! DIE! DIE! DIE! 个个全家死光光! 砍不死的就烤成肉饼! Poor thing is, the other half of the class is like Benjamin, but they enjoy life and seemed not to care this class issue. God... What the hell in the world can we do? Hatred!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Regarding the last post, I found out that "何"(nan) was used to mean what in Osaka. Oh well, so the question was "How to I go to school?". However, when you approach it in a different way, the questions was still like the last post. So anyway, stated in the Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary, "何で" means why. Even if it's a beginner's dictionary, it's still a dictionary. The only reason it's a beginner's dictionary is because some words aren't there, and since the most commonly used meaning is the explanation given beginner's dictionaries, it should be correct, according to logical means. So anyway, I going to niao the 先生, see what kind of response I can get.
Today was the Ispark Nite auditions Round 2. So anyway, there is this exemption king who didn't go for it, although he didn't have 3rd lang. So the class Monitor posted this message on the e-group to niao him. It's so direct! Pupil A. Haiz... Looks like KFC is gonna get counselled by The Bee again. Hopefully he doesn't get scolded, like Kenny who locked Joel Tan out of the classroom. LOL!

By the way, does anyone know the exact value of pi? Answer can be found in the previous posts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today was the Japanese oral, which I had been partially preparing for. Anyway, there were pauses. One of them were due to 先生 lying to me. Say the examiner won't ask any "why" questions. Then immediately the 3rd question during the free conversation was "Why do you go to school?" which was "何で学校へ行きますか。". So I paused for a moment... "何で..." and realised it meant "why" (which wasn't taught anyway) luckily I am Liu Fangxu so I know. So I didn't answer something that's called "わかりません". Oh well, so like this say "bye-bye" to the full mark, haiz... By the way, you know that the certain someone I mentioned earlier? Who said that it's gonna beat me in oral? Oh well, IT screwed up more than me. The only thing is that Shyue Tyng did very well.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hmm, weakness doesn't mean bad...

OK, weakness doesn't mean bad. Exposition... Today, somewhere in Singapore, approximately in the middle of Singapore. ST, aka the Shiting guy, told me some news... On some spastic person's blog, wrote that I'm weak in oral (at least that's how I understood it). Weak means weak, no objections. So probably let's put that aside for now. About 4.30pm today, on the great WWW, some room in KGS, two people played a game. The guy who's black, named Bulbasaur, saw this "tyranitar", which is my nickname, and thought that Bulbasaur stands a type advantage aganist the all-mighty Tyranitar, that has such high stats that only few survives. So they played. Obviously, Bulbasaur played offesive. Taking Black, he put the first piece on 小目, aka 3-4 点, strange way to start a game. So anyway, he didn't even use any normal way of playing. So I had to be more careful. In the end, I won, by 72.5 moku. So this shows that weakness is not something that shows a match's ending, it shows a advantage. However, there are other factors that affect a person's performance. So anyway, whenever you see advantages, they aren't true advantages.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Test on Thursday?

Bad news! Chinese test on Thursday. What's more? It's EOY format + must finish in 1hr 20 min. Shit! Even EOY we get two hours. I mean like we get so many passages and comprehension. Impossible! The marks are also counted, this is more of a morale-debooster, when we have done badly enough for the past few terms due to various reasons. However, we still have to take the exam for the results. Although results aren't everything, this is what most people still think is the most important thing. Like we still have to achieve a certain standard for English and Chinese for Sec4. Right! That's looking down on those who take up the sciences. Like that's why we were living in the present state. Not like those who have very good language. Then write something that nobody understands, and calls it a great piece of work. May I know who is going to benefit? No one! Since I don't feel like being an author means that I won't be an author. So why do we have to learn this kind of things which are no use? Since language is for communication, why must I achieve a standard above the others? I am sure you don't want to go on the street using bombastic language and people think that you are speaking French when you are speaking English. However, that is the fact. We are expected to achieve a level higher than the others. A level which will make people learn from us. For what? You can't communicate! Like you are to hand in a report, and you use some shit language. You'll get busted the next day. So why must learn? Back to the Chinese Test. I believe that everyone will suffer greatly from this exam. All those misery and sufferings. So sad... The tormentor enjoys! Oh no!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Now what?

OK, I just changed the URL, because I feel that this place was no longer lame, and should no longer be regarded as a lame one. However, the skin shall remain as it is. No longer changing, like your life, which hardly changes. For once, I thought, what do I have now? Having lost a great part of my careful level, I think I still have my memory left. However, I think that it would also be gone in another few years time. Still, it is enough. Everything that I have just said does not affect the point about loops. You are forced to continue looping, but yet, you are gradually being forced out of this loop. This shows the unfair part. When you finally get used to it, things change before you even realise, and you are in another world...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More retarded stuff...

Teacher: Who is absent today?
Class Chairman: Who is absent? Please raise your hand!
Obviously no one would raise their hand...
Like when no one was paying attention to the teacher and he goes...
Teacher: Who is not paying attention? Please raise your hand so that you can get punished!
Like the previous situation, no one raises his hand.
I thought of something else...
Late for school...
Teacher: Why are you late?
We usually give answers such as what we see in books and stuff. e.g.
"My alarm clock was busted..."
"I was helping a blind man cross the road..."
However, these answers aren't so good...
Like probably you get busted even more badly...
"Why didn't you have an extra alarm to be safe?"
"Why did you help that man?" (OK... Exaggerating a bit... )
Due to these reasons, we need a foolproof answer that would get us out of these situations...
So the best answer is...
Let me think for a moment...
OK... I remember...
The best way to answer is...
"Because I am not early!"
And you won't get into much more trouble for that...
When the teacher asks...
"Why are you not early then?"
Then simply say...
"Because I am late!"
And so on and so for until the teacher gets annoyed... (shouldn't take too long)
Whatever that happens to you, is none of my business...
Use at your own risk!
But still... We won't be let of anyway, so might as well have some fun by pissing the teacher off...