Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This is just some super sexist joke which someone said at Chem-O when Bomberleer (<--This is to prevent Google Search from working) told the HC dudes to reflect on ourselves for not letting the girls across the bridge add the chemicals first.

Bomberleer: Don't you guys understand the idea of "ladies first"?

Some smart guy (I forgot who that was): Of course! Ladies wait first.

Shows our school tradition of discrimination aganist the opposite gender. LoL! And the girls also took our flask with the bit of remaining extract (I forgot which component of black tea that was because I don't remember these kinda names), causing my group to end up with a little less than the original amount. Maybe Funny (this is pronounced as 'slut') has a pic to show.

Haven't had a lame joke blog post for some time. Hope this revives this place a bit.






Thursday, August 12, 2010

Forgetfulness kills

I just lost 100 AUD today because I was forgetful! AIMO was so easy and I could do everything, which meant I could have won a prize, but I forgot to multiply the values back after dividing them by the common factor for easier calculation. Forgetfulness kills :O. I was in a rush to go for Chem-O which was after AIMO, which made me end up staring at the sample waiting for the reaction. If only I rmbed to check! If only... This is one of the few times that forgetting hit me hard. Ouch! The only good news I got today was that I got into the 2nd round of SJPO, which I paid my bio term grades for. I better do well next round too, but there's barely time to study, there's Jap test before that. I can't look down on Cambridge more after looking at the way they set the papers, although it may be the nature of all exams. The reason why I hate everything now is probably because I knew of the virtual world which was heaven to most people, giving people the life which they dream of, but reality is always waiting, and killing you when you forget some stuff.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Found time

Finally bothered to revive this place a bit. Last post was in June, some time before SMO, which I failed considerably this year again. I just got C5 for my bio test last week, and yet I am not the slightest bit worried, because I thought that maybe I was just too tired during the test that my mind wasn't in a very good condition. Plus, that week was hell for me. The ups and downs in life, rather distracting I should say. Ups distract you by giving you a false sense of achievement (in fact you have done nothing at all), because things such as mugging for test doesn't mean that you won't forget the facts in the future, it just means that you have remembered it momentarily. People who had only ups in their life realise that they turn into nothing when they look back in the future (and to mention, they would go oh gosh, that's not my purpose in life). Downs on the other hand, are to upset you, make you jealous, etc.. Aren't there always times when you've felt that others were better than you? Truth is, there are too many factors to be compared, people just have to believe that they are the best in life. Now I think I've explained well enough why I am not upset about by bio grades after the drastic decrease. DC says that grades are the responsibility of students, but I think that it's how we maximise our learning in school rather than maxing out our grades. Lastly, not buying to Hon's policies is another reason. We shouldn't be bothered by something that doesn't affect us even if it's screwed. Looks like I can't stop crapping about school. There's simply so much other stuff that I have but can't write it here because it's too personal XD, rather philosophical I should say, and I can't face the dissonance either. Ends here.