Thursday, June 28, 2007

Today's Weiqi lesson is so retarded

For the holiday I was rather excited about today's Weiqi lesson, but I didn't know it was this slack. So 1st thing, for those who do not know how to play, you must know how to surround other people's pieces. Who doesn't know that? 2nd thing, 开局先把棋子放在哪里,当然是先放在角上咯。这些都是废话,就连打结后手不能立刻踢的规矩也没讲。那么三结连环的平局就更不用说了。那个猪牛家养的犀牛就总是在打结后踢我。然后那教练看那一盘棋都是说差不多,没有人占明显优势。我跟绵羊下的那盘太奇怪,攻的人总是亏棋。下礼拜还是因该多走谢不是紧靠子的棋。Hopefully we learn more useful things...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

LOL... Let's share something funny...

These were shared by my classmates:

Retarded Conclusion 1:
Some men are lawyers.
Some lawyers are women.
Therefore, some men are women.

Retarded Conclusion 2:
All men are mortal.
Mrs Yong is not a man.
Therefore, Mrs Yong is immortal.

OK, English lesson was used to talk about oral. Blah... Blah... Then it came to the Nelson Mandela passage. Nelson Mandela(the old joke by Ah Meng the Orangutan from XNPS 6C2006)'s Chinese name-鸟屎满地拉. LOL. That's all for today, come back next time...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Err... I got counselled...

Another fine day with nothing different. Just when school was about to end, I got counselled! Not exactly counselled but so? Mrs Wong very "Singaporish". 爱管闲事... She thinks she's god? Control the world? Just because I denied Lim Zhong Hui's dumb statement (he's a lil' bossy though) she think something's bothering me. What kind of shit statement is that? Though something is bothering me, but it's got nothing to do with that! Jumping to conclusions. Luckily she didn't force me to say anything... 咳,人生永远不会让我见到光明的一面, 它永远都会是黑暗的。这就是生活,这就是我们大家所创造的世界,这就是宇宙给我们带来的。一个永远充满了悲伤的世界。有什么好?你能像古人那样吗?没有烦恼,不用为任何东西而犯愁。Life is pathetic no matter how old you are. By the time you retire and want to enjoy life, you will find that you couldn't, as your life expectancy can be up any minute. Wish... Armageddon... Hopefully it will bring us out of this misery...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Late post...

The world is against me once more? LOL! Now I forgot how to write index numbers. 5 spaces for SMO: _ _ _ _ _ "Please fill in your index number:" supposed to be like this: 3 7 4 2 _ Then I went: _ 3 7 4 2. Freakkk!!! WTF! The silliest mistake of all. :(