Saturday, January 31, 2009

Careful till I am careless

This is the 2nd post this week. But, OMG! I left my homework file in SALT Centre! OK, the story was like this:

Just beginning to learn to do my homework in SALT Centre during full band, I brought my file in to the main hall of the SALT Centre band room to make full use of my time. However, the JC liked to practise after us, and this Friday, the cursed day when my classroom had the aircon left on and me leaving my homework file in SALT Centre, was no exception. So it neared 5 o'clock, and I had to take my measurements for the New blazer. The JC was moving in at that time, while I was being very careful about not missing any of the 7 things and counting which I am bringing into the band room: 1. Mouthpiece 2. Score 3. Pencil & Notebook 4. Water bottle 5. Metro-tuner 6. Pencil case 7. Homework File. Then I went down to take my measurements with YaoChong looking after my stuff, which he did rather well. Then the tailor hadn't came yet so we went back up for 10 min sectionals. So at 5.45, everything was done and I was packing up. Making sure that I had 7 things again and thinking that there is no way of losing anything, I packed by bag. BUT! Due to my habit of thinking that the pencil box is the last item, I LEFT MY HOMEWORK FILE THERE! I was thinking why it was so easy to put my pencil case into my bag then, but didn't suspect anything. Probably because all the music drowned my paranoia and of course partly due to my ****phobia... No, that day must be cursed. I bet that Friday the thirteenth has got some pronunciation relation ship with the thirtieth, and so does the fortune. Go check wikipedia, there's gonna be 3 more Fridays falling on the 13th! I better be less careful.

Incase you are wondering how many lessons I can survive through without my homework file, I would say probably half of them, because I won't be getting the neutralizing luck which I got on the Friday of the first week.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Venting my anger again

Part of the internet's job is to give people room for them to vent their anger. Despite my busy schedule, I am posting something here because I feel that there should be vengeance for mistreating me. So, I came home tired as usual, and hoping to watch another episode of CLANNAD, but somehow 土豆 is lagging like shit, so I gave up. Then I went to check SMB, and the seemingly most urgent message was the one which Laurang urging us to vote for GG. Who doesn't want to vote when she posted the same message a few weeks ago? But that bloody site requires me to sign up. Of course, I dislike filling in my particulars (it triggers my paranoia). So I didn't bother after that. However, the new message told us to sign up. So I 给了点面子 and signed up. That f*cking site requires a username more than 8 characters and less then 50. Who the hell needs a username of more than eight characters and which idiot would have a username of up to 50 characters? Imagine signing in at your friend's house. You type 50 characters and then later they say wrong username or password. Furthermore, there is no password strength requirement, so I just type an x there and with some hacking software anyone can get into my account in less than a second, retarded isn't it? Personally, I think a 3-character username is short, nice and easy to remember. Therefore, I didn't like it and signed up as "eight_characters". After that I tried voting again, but they said my account was inactive and made me take the trouble to go to my email and activate my account, and then the link below took me to some blank page that tells me there is a null error. I went back to the original page and tried again, but it didn't work and after 3 times it told me I've used up my quota. Therefore, I requested for a change of password, when I changed it back, I couldn't login again.

Now you get the point? I have spent much more time waiting for my internet to load than you reading this post and I couldn't vote in the end.

You must agree with me, STOMP is an A.H. website that contains loads of 牛の糞 that scams you for your personal information. I should sue them for this.