Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Camp sucked...

A question for all: Would you like to pay $95 to suffer or just stay at home and sleep? We all know that the answer is obvious. Thats what happened to us. $95 for a camp and we were enthusiastic about it. However, our attitude changed once we reached there. The Trainers are so childish, with the commandos being even worse. We were made to clear tiny pieces of rubbish like a leaf with a surface area of 0.0000000000000000001cm2. Who the hell is able to pick that up? What can we do? Slack! We slack and slack till the activity ended. Blaming the trainers. We only found out that the Busted Egg Television was not doing his job well. He chose a lousy company and hired noob trainers. Many people doesn't respect the school motto "自强不息" by going home before the camp ended. Worst thing is the food was insufficient. I don't care about low quality but I care about low quantity. I wonder why they have to make us comfortable with quality instead of quantity. There were also many ants and we were invaded at night. Blame Kenny for bringing candy. Lessons learnt: Don't let Kenny go to camps.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Your self worth image sucks.