Sunday, October 16, 2011


After one year of craziness (referring to Econs and PW of course), I went for another gathering at a friend's house today. It was kinda similar to my Japanese teacher's experience. During these kinda gatherings, the main aim is to let people socialise and have fun, or possibly, strengthen the bonds between people. However, the truth is that such gatherings are usually not very useful in a sense. Everyone's so nice in my class, but there just isn't anyone whom you can count as a true friend. The experience was totally different from the feeling I got after eating with the people from my Japanese class on Thursday. No one needs any form of entertainment. People just need to sit together and do some lame stuff. I'm not being lame but it's the truth. Even during orientation, with those people whom I thought weren't like me (well there were still people like Slau and Chang Hui), I still had fun each night and didn't want to go home. However, I was kinda dying to go home today, school was just a consideration. I swear that I wouldn't have gone home at 9 if there was a reason for me to stay on, but I somehow felt left out and left. Perhaps, it was simply because there weren't anyone who shared a common language with me. Until now I've only found 2 people, or perhaps 3 to 4, but only 2 people whom I can tell everything to. 新しい親友に会えるように願っている。

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