Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Something wrong

Today feels like a bad day. Well, after doing graph transformations for some time, I've totally forgot about the fundamentals of solving the roots of a polynomial using the intersections between 2 graphs. Also, I sprained my ankle and felt very tired for the whole afternoon after the SMTP run, which isn't usually the case. Well, at least it didn't get any worse.

Well, on the way home I was humming to myself again. This time, "I'll be the one" from Hikaru no Go. Then, I realised that this song actually had meaningful lyrics, as compared to most of the other Anime OP/EDs which I've heard. Since I don't feel like working nor sleep early at the same time, I should probably provide a translation here.

この瞳 君の目に
This pupil, in your eye.
映る どんなものも
Shows anything
見極めて見せるよ 真実を
See through the truth and show me

僕たちは この時代に
We, in this time
What kind of dream do we hold
涙して 迷いながら
Lost and crying
We bet on it

Even if so, I would yield to no one
決め手 見つけ 夢を 手にするだろう
If the decisive factor is found, the dream would be achieved

この瞳 君の目に
This pupil, in your eye
映る どんなものも
Shows anything
見極めて見せるよ 真実だけ
See through it and show me the through only

たとえ 現実が
The reality
気づく 埋もれそうでも
Even if realised, would be hidden
こんな 場所で終わる
But if one were to give up here
He would not be me

戦いに 挑んでみて
Trying to face the challenges
With such strength
僕だけど 今愛する 愛すべき君がいる
You, the one that I love and should love is there

そんな 君に僕 は 何 ができるだろう
Thinking about what I can do for you
でもね いつも わがまま言うばかり
But I always talk selfishly

よそ見 しないでいて
Please don't look aside
僕の 事だけ見て
And look at me
It's always sorrowful
愛しい 人で
Because of you, the one I love
会えた 喜びが
The happiness when we met
Changes into sorrow
「じゃあね」 と手を振った 瞬間に
The moment we wave and say goodbye

君の 瞳に映る
Reflected in your eye
人が 僕であると
The person, that's me
Can I believe it?
離れてる 日も
Even on the day we part

この瞳 君の目に
This pupil in your eye
映る 景色たちが
The scenery reflected inside
同じ であるように そう願ってる
Hoping that they would be the same
永遠 なんてもの
Might not exist
だけど 今は二人
But now, as two
We shall walk together

Note that the part with love refer to friendship love. Well, it's kinda late that I've only just realised the deep meaning of this OP 4 years after watching Hikaru no Go. This can probably be 2 weeks of self-entertainment.

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