Sunday, July 12, 2009

More posts

This is another filler post I suppose. Anyway, I slacked through the first(second) week of term 3, still in the playing mood due to the timeslots cleared for H1N1. I can't seem to get myself to do something constructive, like learning new stuff. (Does memorising half of 三字经 count?) Term 3 shouldn't be a very busy term for me. Sec 1 I picked up anime and Weiqi in Term 3. Sec 2 I picked up Dota in Term 3. This year I have no idea of what I am going to do, but I know Term 3 is the only time that I can and bother to try something new. Surprisingly Longang was rather pleased with our 3.37, although he said that we had to get <3. I have completely no idea of how much ACE I have for each subject, but I feel that they aren't gonna be maxed. OP's worse, I tried speaking up, but besides being lame and saying all those stuff in our notes, there really isn't anything else to say. The OP system encourages people to speak up, but in a science class, there is only one answer and I feel that there is really no point repeating what the teacher said just to get a few marks. It's FREE, but I don't want it. Now in a humanes or language class, I don't really get a chance to talk besides crapping. Who can tell whether an IR would be successful if they do not know the mindset of people? And all the answers provided by those LAME people are simply economy failing so IR also fail or cannot earn money from locals and stuff. Very lame answers which do not have a deep level of thinking and investigation. If this was to turn into an English exposition, I don't know how many people would be marked down because the teachers says that they are assuming. Even the casinoes in Macau and Vegas aren't really successful because the economy is doing well. The police in Macau is already used to people suiciding and it's not uncommon to see people getting rescued almost immediately after they jump. If it weren't for these people to "sponsor" the casinoes, Macau would have died a long time ago. Hence, if we were to get OP for these lame stuff, might as well abolish the stupid system completely. What is said isn't even convincing enough. Chances are hard to come by, but when one comes, how we make use of it is the key to domination.

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