Phew! After 5 days of being barbaric, I finally returned to the civilized society that we are currently living in. OBS was damn tiring, though I must admit that it was rather meaningful because there was this sense of accomplishment. There were many fun things too, but I don't want to talk about them because they would make OBS sound fun... (not fun!) I received my results on Friday and somehow got an MSG of 1.22, with English A1??? Though I personally agree that my English standard is not good, there is this system of ACE (not really grateful to it since everyone's got 15 ACE) and OP that I must thank. For some strange reason, I never speak up during Math and Science classes, and a lot during language classes, thus maxing my language OP... Furthermore, my English was about 74.3, but the integer system rounded it up... The 1.22 were part of the foreseen "unforeseen" circumstances, but I was thinking that Jap would not be counted and IH of B3 with Chinese A2. However, it just turned out all right. After that was DotA for me, some game that I have been sucking at for 2 months and finally learned how to use DK! It's class chalet next. I would post more then... Oh yeah, it's already the end of the year and I would have to say goodbye to about half of my class (Expecting most to go to SMTP science), hopefully next year I can be more like a robot.