Today's Weiqi lesson is so retarded
For the holiday I was rather excited about today's Weiqi lesson, but I didn't know it was this slack. So 1st thing, for those who do not know how to play, you must know how to surround other people's pieces. Who doesn't know that? 2nd thing, 开局先把棋子放在哪里,当然是先放在角上咯。这些都是废话,就连打结后手不能立刻踢的规矩也没讲。那么三结连环的平局就更不用说了。那个猪牛家养的犀牛就总是在打结后踢我。然后那教练看那一盘棋都是说差不多,没有人占明显优势。我跟绵羊下的那盘太奇怪,攻的人总是亏棋。下礼拜还是因该多走谢不是紧靠子的棋。Hopefully we learn more useful things...